This is the best way to support a specific player of our club while getting your business some always needed exposure to our Southwest Florida Rugby League Community.
Your business' name will be mentioned and tagged every time this individual is recognized for their accomplishments live at games (video , or digitally via our website and social media accounts.
So if your player is playing well this could be a great way to leave a lot of impressions on the Southwest Florida Rugby League community at a low cost to you.
Plus your business' name, Family Name, and/or logo will also be printed on their individual game jersey opposite the player's last name placard, which will remain with them long after the season has been completed. You will also get your logo plastered on the back of our training shirt (below jersey) which are also worn by staff and fans too.
Player Sponsorship Package Cost: $400
Availability: 1 spot per player jersey (First Come, First Served)
